Media That Inspired Me This Year, Habits to Leave Behind, and a Word for 2021
2020 may have been one for the dumper, but there were some really great podcasts, books, and blogs that shaped me this year. I thought I would share some of them. BOOKS: This was not my best reading year. But these were my top reads of 2020: Miracle and Other Reasonable Things , by Sarah Bessey. This is my number one pick of the year. It was balm for my soul (as the pandemic unfolded during an election year) while I had an unraveling and rebuilding of my faith and views. Sarah Bessey knows a thing or two about wrestling and holding tight to Jesus even as our understanding of Him shifts. Maybe You Should Talk to Someone , by Lori Gottlieb. A memoir about a therapist who finds herself in therapy. It was sweet, tender, engaging. The Southern Book Club's Guide to Slaying Vampires , by Grady Hendrix. 80's housewives in Charleston SC have a fabulous trashy book club, and then a vampire comes to town. Think Steel Magnolias...