Swords Into Plowshares
“they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more; but they shall all sit under their own vines and under their own fig trees, and no one shall make them afraid; for the mouth of the Lord of hosts has spoken. For all the peoples walk, each in the name of its god, but we will walk in the name of the Lord our God forever and ever.”
Micah 4:3b-5 NRSV
Looking at this picture of my son right before he was baptized. The face of God's love on him, and on his Dad.
How does a young man cover himself in body armor, take up rifles and murder a classroom's worth of children. Why? And what on Earth, God, can we do about it?
I am so so tired of praying over all of the hate. I am tired of the words God keeps giving back to me: Love, it's love, Aimee. Love is what fills a heart to such fullness that evil will not find a space to creep in.
The absence of love creates a cavern of hunger that will endlessly grasp and degrade. Where there is no love there is emptiness, and it is the kindling for hate, anger, pride, greed and violence.
I know it isn't for me to change the verses in Micah above, but if I wrote them I would edit to this: 'but they shall share their vines and their fig trees. They will look for those who need shade and carry them over and no one will be forgotten."
When we walk in the name of the Lord, we hurt for the hurting.
How do we beat our swords into plowshares? Our spears into pruning hooks? Do we value the cultivation of "love one another"?
Are the things I say online and out loud in my home, are they cultivating love? How about what I am reading and consuming? What about my teens? Are they being filled with loving interactions and seeing the Spirit at work or are they hearing empty platitudes and judgment?
Show me Lord, how to make my swords into plowshares, and my spears into pruning hooks.
Help me advocate for peace and love in all circumstances. With my life, for the marginalized, to my children, at the polls. Regardless of the cost, let me stand for love.
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